Saturday, February 20, 2010


Feb 20
We have been told that our blog sounds really depressing... Sorry! We are having a great time I assure you all. When we are down we tend to write more and have more time to write... and when we are having a good time we don't feel like writing. So it only seems bad. Besides which we both agree that some of the more difficult experiences we've had have been worth it.


  1. We can relate to everything you've written so far so don't worry about it! That's just India. You will look back at the experiences fondly even though they were perhaps quite trying at the time. Just keep the spirits up and keep going with the blog updates!!

  2. I want to hear about the fun stuff too! What in the world have you been doing over there? From what I've read all you've done is visit various bathrooms for days on end and eaten the odd good meal. What was fun?
    PS send me a post card and I'll send you one too
